Spinone rescue news

Our seventeen ‘Brexit Babies’ safely homed

We’d like to thank everyone who made such a huge effort to get our seventeen Brexit Babies home. We needn’t have hurried so much! But with our transports being planned well in advance for vaccination reasons, we couldn’t risk potential issues at the border.  SO many people helped – rescuing and fostering, sharing, home checking,… Continue reading Our seventeen ‘Brexit Babies’ safely homed

Spinone rescue news

Fundraising for a new Spinone rescue

Our latest fundraising push is to help our Italian rescue colleagues support a large & complicated rescue currently underway in Italy. The Spinoni in question need better temporary accommodation and health care as well as specialist behavioural support, as several have had little or no human interaction and are terrified of their own shadows. We… Continue reading Fundraising for a new Spinone rescue